Which companies offers good shipping rates to international beauticians?

I am looking to compare products, prices and shipping rates at beauty suppliers. Can someone tell me which beauty supplies are great and offer international shipping?
Asked by maria-a-kyriakou

4 answers

http://wholesalebulksoap.com/ is fantastic. Their prices are extremely cheap and their natural soaps are good for exfoliating, getting rid of wrinkles, acne, and cellulite.
Search Treatwell for Cellulite Treatments near you
Hi I can ship CACI products abroad just let me know what you require. Thanks
Hi do you mean equipment or cosmetics?I use spanish ones Clarena and french Aquatonal,some organique because its now fashion for it.Equipment I usually take for abroad


I mean both cosmetics and equipment. Thanks I will check it out.
I mean both cosmetics and equipment. Thanks I will check it out.
I ask for beauty supplies..